
Monday, August 4, 2008

Global Warming Means Money

Shifting from fossil fuel source of energy to alternative source of energy means trillions of dollar investment. One can do this by citing the disadvantages of the present energy source and its ill effects to the extent of catastrophic scare of annihilating the human beings. This is what the proponents of anthropogenic global warming are advocating -forcing people to believe with the help of United Nations, wealthy capitalists, and the leftist-environmentalists or even trading their souls in exchange of power and wealth.

Global warming is a natural phenomenon dictated by the Sun and humans have learned to adopt eversince. Sun causes the climate of the Earth to change as well as all the solar planets of the universe. It is warmest in Mercury because it’s nearest to the Sun and Pluto is coldest because it’s farthest from the Sun. It is as simple as that than to invoke other laws of nature or of thermodynamics or the insane joke that humans are warming the Earth. And there are scientists who permit themselves to be used and bribed for the sake of money and greed. And there are people who allow themselves to be fed by lies and never bothered to ask why?

Scientists cannot account for the radiative forcing or solar heat absorb by earth and the earth’s albedo or the heat reflected or radiated back to space in a certain period yet alarmists are quick to declare there is increased global warming than the regular one the earth is experiencing. How can you say there is unusual warming when the ice is depleting on the North Pole but accumulating on the South Pole.

There is no harm of shifting to other source of renewable and clean energy but no need of forcing people what the alarmist wanted it to be. By nature or by necessity people will opt to other source of energy, particularly, when the scarcity of the cheap source is at hand. Human by nature can adopt to its environment and may evolve to a higher level of imunity.

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